It was 2008 when Dom Matteo stepped on the scale and saw the number 300.

That’s when he stopped weighing himself.

In 2009, Stephen Box decided, ‘I’m just going to be fat forever. Whatever.’

After diligently trying to lose fat for thirty years, Katey Caswell was still morbidly obese. She wondered, ‘Is anything ever going to work?’

This isn’t a story about three people who gave up.

Rather, it’s about three people who kept going—overcoming the nearly universal setbacks and challenges during major body transformations.

Not only did all three eventually lose 80-plus pounds apiece, but they also changed in other ways: Dom, Stephen, and Katey have all become certified health and nutrition coaches who now help others eat, move, and live better.

In this story, you’ll discover their top mindset strategies for persevering when fat loss feels impossible (or at least just very frustrating).

Caveat: Not every strategy will

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“Eat fewer processed foods.”

Nearly every health expert says it. (Sometimes so often that you’ve maybe tuned it out. Kind of like when they say, “Eat your greens.” Whatever, Mom.)

But have you ever wondered why?

Plus, what even counts as a processed food anyway?

In the following infographic, we cover everything you need to know about processed foods.

You’ll discover:

▶ What counts as “processed” (and and what doesn’t)—and how those foods affect your health

▶ The difference between four types of processed foods (whole foods, minimally-processed foods, moderately-processed foods, and highly-processed foods)

▶ Which processed foods benefit your health and well-being—as well ones that might harm it

▶ How to tell which whole and minimally-processed foods are worth the effort (and which likely aren’t)

Plus, you’ll get a three-step process that’ll help you boost your consumption of nutrient-packed foods—without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

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Feel like you have to hustle your butt off to get more clients?

These days, it can seem like being “just” a great coach isn’t enough of a sell.

Not only do you need to know your stuff and be a natural “people person,” but to market yourself properly, you’re also supposed to figure out a unique coaching niche, define your brand, keep up with research, and regularly post polished, compelling content—on whatever platform is trending at the moment.

Um… what?

No wonder so many coaches feel overwhelmed and confused about the whole marketing thing.

(Not to mention icky. You don’t want to have to promise abs in eight days just to get some eyes on your business!)

Fortunately, there IS a way to market yourself effectively—using YOUR strengths, YOUR message, and on YOUR schedule.

Take fitness and nutrition coach Tia Smith.

Tia’s a 38 year-old coach living in metropolitan

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When people experience more stress than they can handle, they usually struggle in many different areas of their lives.

Sleep gets disrupted. Relationships grow tense. Nutrition habits regress.

More alcohol and sweets tend to come into the picture. Exercise becomes a thing of the past.

The scale often goes up.

It’s not uncommon for stressed folks to complain, “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I get anything done? What happened to my willpower? Why am I so lazy?”

Thing is, they’re not lazy. They’re just suffering from toxic stress.

This is where stress management coaching—aka stress management training—can make a big difference.

Certified stress management coaches help people set priorities, learn relaxation skills, and reduce their overall stress load. End result: Clients feel better—and finally are able to uncover the energy and bandwidth needed to successfully tackle other wellness goals.

Maybe you’re thinking: I want to help people do that!

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Reviewed by Jennifer Martin, PhD

Maybe you’ve seen the headlines about how oversleeping has been linked to a greater risk of disease and death. If you’re the kind of person who regularly clocks more than eight hours of slumber, these news stories have probably made you wonder, “Why do I sleep so much? And is it bad for me?”

In this story, sleep experts help you understand the latest science. You’ll find out what really happens when you oversleep, along with how it affects your health.

(Spoiler: Chances are, you have nothing to worry about.)

How much is too much sleep?

On average, most people need somewhere between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. But that’s an average, not a good-health edict.

“As you start to move out in either direction, there are people who require slightly more and slightly less sleep,” says Chris Winter, MD, sleep specialist,

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